We will not pay for any loss which:
- Off-Job AD&D Only: arises out of or in the course of any employment with any employer or for which the Insured Person is entitled to benefits under any workers’ compensation or occupational disease law, or receives any settlement from a workers’ compensation carrier;
- results, whether the Insured Person is sane or insane, from:
- an intentionally self-inflicted Injury or Sickness; or
- suicide or attempted suicide;
- directly results from the Insured Person’s Participation in a Riot or in the commission of a felony;
- directly results from an act of declared or undeclared war or armed aggression;
- is incurred while the Insured Person is on active duty or training in the Armed Forces, National Guard or Reserves of any state or country and for which any governmental body or its agencies are liable;
- is not permanent, unless specifically provided;
- occurs more than 365 days after the Injury, except that this 365 day limit will not apply if the Insured Person is Comatose or being kept alive by an artificial support system at the end of the 365 days;
- does not result from an Accident;
- is caused by intentional, self-infliction of carbon monoxide poisoning emanating from a motor vehicle;
- directly results from Injuries the Insured Person receives in any aircraft while operating, riding as a passenger, boarding or leaving, unless riding as a passenger in a commercial aircraft on a regularly-scheduled flight or while You are Traveling on Business of the Policyholder;
- directly results from an Injury received while riding in any aircraft engaged in:
- racing;
- endurance tests;
- acrobatic or stunt flying;
- is caused by the Insured Person, and is a result of Injuries received while under the influence of any controlled drug, unless administered on the advice of a Physician;
- is caused by the Insured Person and is a result of Injuries the Insured Person receives while voluntarily Intoxicated.